This week has been hands down the most rewarding. This week at the museum I got to sit in on the Lazarus Project. In this project a professor from the University, the special projects manager, and this engineer were documenting through photography of very old coins. Seeing the accuracy that went into photographing, these artifacts was absolutely mind blowing. In other news, I am finished my graphic design book project. Titled The Abc's of Alcoholic Beverages and Cocktails, these books can be purchased on my site for $10.00 for a limited time! I also had the pleasure of photographing these amazing two, Hilton (left) and Sha (right). Learning about these two; their passions, friendships, goals, and dreams, is the starting point for really capturing te essence of who these people are! All these opportunities to grow as an artist and an artistic employee have been such blessings! "There's beauty in the struggle,
"You just need to have love for what you're doing. It's not about thinking that it's the cool thing; |